Monday, December 22, 2008

In A "Napping" House Where No One is Sleeping

While mom is knee deep in wallpaper backing, vinegar and hot water, and bandages all over her hands from the unfriendly but very useful wallpaper scraper Zane and Zeb become a wrecking crew accomplishing a lot on the second floor here at the Tacoma, WA demolition site. I not only swore off sugar for the month of December but also made another questionable decision to finish a job started and given up on 6 months ago during a time that requires all given energies and some artificially given energies (thank you caffeine) - the holiday season! I absolutely need pressure to get something difficult done and the holiday season was a perfect time to accomplish a job I thought impossible (I should say my husband was getting slightly sick of the bare electrical outlets and half finish job as well, creating a little more pressure, which, in my case, is always good)!

Unfortunately when mom is trying to get a job done and so focused she forgets to eat, you know who else is getting neglected (oh ya, little people need to eat more than crackers and cheese and milk in order to poop, hello constipation, sorry guys but I just had to get this done, I'll be one more minute, okay you can watch just ONE more show). The job is done now although I have to admit I felt like I was on a role and decided to try to tackle the wallpaper in the kitchen which is a different kind of wallpaper and I'm finding it to be a bigger pain to get off of the walls than the last so another job for, say the boys' birthday, which is in January so I'd better get finished.

There was one more picture that must be shared as it shows my unbelievable skill at parenting (something anybody would be proud of, well actually no, many would guard this, or not even document this but me I had to as I was surprised it could even be done).

I promise I tried to nap them, he just got sick of waiting for me to be done that he fell asleep right there on the bottom stair, after failing to go to sleep during his nap, hmmm, don't say I didn't tell ya so Zane, poor kid, someone call the authorities.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Peeing in Target!!

Oh what a day. A trip to Target to get a string or two of lights turns into a three hour adventure which involves buying an unexpected pair of jeans because rookie mom forgot a change of clothes but remembered the sandwich that no one wanted. Standing in the middle of the protein bar aisle Zane decides or maybe didn't exactly consciously decide but never the less peed all over. Now I've had this happen where I had to clean up after Bear in Petco but I didn't actually ever think of this scenerio. Hmm, one might say he isn't ready to go out of the house without a diaper but I would say mom needs to be alittle more disciplined herself to take them to the bathroom instead of running around Target for an hour without even thinking of it. I'll admit this is not my strong point as I am and have always been one to feel going to the bathroom is a burden and I wait until the last minute possible! How fun to be in the throws of potty training twins and mom.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

November - Where did it go?

Recap -- What just happened? Has November began yet? Ended? Oh ya that's right it's December and the holidays are upon us and the only way I know that is because I've made a very insane decision to stop sugar....that's right, no cookies, no homemade or store bought candy, no chocolate, no suga!! What the hell am I thinking especially when as a SAHM- that is stay at home mom, of course- other SAHMs like to have these little soirees called "cookie exchanges" - which is really just a good excuse to eat sugar and have sugar leftovers for all to enjoy or in the case of myself-to whittle away on the cookies until the last crumb becomes stale and I force myself to throw the crumbs out and vow not to eat sugar for the rest of the holiday season only to pick up the bad habit at the next little SAHM soiree. Oh yes, I'll mention that the boys do me no favors by being such picky eaters as it would save me calories if they would eat a cookie, brownie, or candy here and there. I don't know if I'm lucky or quite misfortunate in that area of picky toddler eaters; yes they don't eat that much sugar but they have enough crackers to go with a large vat of cheese.

Anyway, yes back to November - it was great!! Complete with a trip to New York and then to Idaho! All the boys (oh yes all except Bear) were in a fabulous New York wedding. Upon our arrival to the wedding, Jamie (who had been at the synagogue already for nearly an hour for those ever important wedding party pictures) asked if I would walk the boys - the ring bearers-down the aisle. It was a given that they were definitely not doing it on their own. Okay, I am one for pleasing others and saying yes way before no, however, walking down the aisle of a 200 guest wedding after spending literally 5 minutes getting ready was definitely something I was not willing to do! They were so cute walking down the aisle, all three of them in their tuxedos. On the way down Zeb would not let go of an obnoxiously red bag that his dear aunt gave him and therefore it went down the aisle too and became the source of much frustration as Zane quickly decided after 1 minute into the wedding that he wanted his bag and then 3 minutes into the wedding he decided he was parched and let the entire wedding know about it. "I want some water" was heard over and over again until his mom (who hates all eyes on her) quickly took him from the front of the sanctuary out the door in the back of the sanctuary, where we stayed in the foyer the rest of the ceremony. The wedding was beautiful and I was bummed to have missed most it.
I will say the boys partied us all under the table literally and figuratively speaking- all 7 kids attending the wedding found their party underneath one of the tables complete with strobe light and glow sticks!

They finally went to bed at 3 am. Hello 10:30 am brunch, the brunch was fabulous but ouch!! What made having to get dressed up in that polyester tuxedo worth it for Zane was the fact that he did get to stick his finger in the wedding cake several times and lick the frosting, it was priceless.

Idaho for Thanksgiving was fantastic, and despite what Jamie may say my sister, Misti and I cooked a fabulous Thanksgiving dinner. After returning to Tacoma, I was very happy to be home as we were all in need of a much needed travel break. Speaking of that I am going to have a large glass of wine.
Does wine classify under the sugar category? We won't go there.