Hours ago I heard about an incident that was both tragic and miraculous. After hearing about the accident I stood dumbfounded, tears in my eye, sad, mad, concerned for the future well being of those involved. Thousands are affected by incidences like this all the time. Mostly I stood there wondering why. Why does this go on? Why do human beings do this to other human beings, why do some die and others live, why my brother in law and not someone else's? Karma? Fate? Luck? God (okay if it was God why not spare other lives that were taken unfairly)? I've cried out with bitter sweet emotion. My brother in law's life was spared but not someone else's. Mostly it leaves me a little empty and in wonder. My sister gets her husband back, my nephews get their dad back, his mom and dad get their son back, my sons get their uncle back and I get my brother in law back. These things I am thankful for. I realize this is not a unique story, this happens in war and in wars past. Some come back (albeit changed but they come back to join their friends and family), some don't and why is that? When I look at the bigger picture I think, yes this is just how it is, death happens in war. When I think of the personal stories (the tragedy, the miracle, the reason for someone fighting and working in a land that is on high alert nearly all of the time and upon departure, finally after a year, two years when one is starting to smell the smells of home their lives are taken, en route to the final journey home) I say why and how. With this heavy heart and mind I go further in my wonderment and think about why some are born into poverty stricken, war stricken lands. I was born into a land that I can with no level of threat go running outside and play softball at night. I do not know if this war is justified, right or wrong, if it should end or go on but I do know I am thankful for those who do risk their lives and long term mental and physical health for the greater good. Is this war really being fought for "our freedoms," I don't know and neither do many others. Sad and somewhat embarrassed to say but I've lost track of what is going on in the war and why we are still fighting. Why haven't we come up with a good plan that allows the people of those nations to sort their problems out, to build their own democracy and fight for their own freedoms. I do realize their problems (terrorists groups oragnizing in their lands) are also our problem. This much I have not lost sight of.
I am forever grateful to those who belong to a story that is both tragic and miraculous. You are my heroes.
This is a link to the particular miracle and tragedy that I write about. May those lives lost rest in peace and those lives spared flourish.