Friday, May 23, 2008

Just today

I was vacuuming like a madman upstairs as Zeb and Zane were "playing" on the couch without the cushions (I being a "cool mom" took them off for the little people to stay occupied for a few minutes) I come down the stairs and what to my wondering eyes did appear but the entire costco sized jar of cashews dumped out all over the couch and two little people jumping all over them playing with their trains on the back of the couch, of course, laughing until I freaked out and yes to little understanding tried to explain that this kind of behavior is bad and that those cashews were expensive, they looked at me with blank smirks. I made them clean up the mess with me and in another fury to clean the already once just minutes before hand vacuumed couch and carpet I didn't notice Zeb had disappeared. I start to go into the kitchen to finish up the once every two weeks mandatory vacuuming and what to my wondering eyes did appear but Zeb trying to pour himself some milk or should I say the refrigerator door wide open and a full but opened 1/2 gallon of milk lying on its side spilling onto the floor with Bear lurking in the background waiting for his chance to act like a cat. All in a matter of 5 minutes!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love the Blattstein Roundup! Keep 'em coming. Your writing is great, and with those two you will never run out of material. Grandma loves it too!