Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Dump Truck Drivers

I quietly wonder to myself if dump truck driver is in Zeb's future. Zane is a master at front end collisions with the dump truck, Zeb is quite the master at loading the dump truck up with random littles out of the random annoying littles toy box and dumping it in random places throughout the living room and kitchen making land mines all over the downstairs floor which are just waiting for their next victims to trip. I know Jamie has professional baseball player in the back of his mind but odds are dump truck driver!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


This last weekend we attended a Halloween party and I'll have to say by looking at Zeb's and Zane's costumes I don't think dressing up in costume is Jamie's nor my strong suit. How generic can you get with Bob the Builder and Thomas the Train, not only is it super generic but it wasn't even done very well. Zane wouldn't wear the hard hat, which I don't blame him as that would have taken an incredible amount of balance to balance the too big hard hat on his head and Zeb, well the foam little Thomas costume that we slipped over his head in a hurry before he had time to protest, was really lame. Yes the costumes got the job done but no costume contest would have been won by us. I don't know when I become such a scrooge for Halloween (maybe it was when the nasty people answering the doors for trick or treaters told me I was too old and that I shouldn't be trick or treating any more, hmmm I was only 14) but I definitely am and in an attempt to get me in the spirit for the years to come we definitely will be toting Zane and Zeb around to knock on doors for the Halloween candy even in the rain!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Zane and the potty

We are in the throes of toilet training! Anyone want to place bets on whether or not Zeb can get through nap time dry? What more does he need, I put "his" potty right in his room. Well one is pretty much trained, okay well I guess if you count the fact that I have to bribe Zeb with candy to sit on the toilet in a public bathroom and "wait til pee comes out" maybe trained isn't the right word, but getting there. Zane has taken to making himself useful by emptying Zeb's potty, dumping it out in the toilet of course, ya it tends to get all over his hands (pee is sterile, right) and all over everything else as we are still working on our dumping skills! When people say twins must be hard to potty train they have no idea that really all I have to do is sit and watch.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Naptime with twins

I sit here and pray the ceiling is strong, the furniture is anchored and all will come out of nap time alive. What happens when some days they fall asleep without a peep and sleep like babies and other days it sounds like the room above my head is being destroyed beyond recognition but I sit/clean/read or sleep in complete denial of the battle grounds above hoping all soldiers find the 2:30 hour alive.
I love naptime!!

Monday, October 6, 2008

What's for Breakfast?

What exactly do most little people (and big people alike, for that matter) eat for the first meal of the day?
What would we do without that beloved food that luckily is so enhanced with vitamins and mineral that eating fruits and vegetables is optional?
Here's to the greatest food on earth--cereal --and all it's power food goodness!
The reason for this entry is to let everyone in on the best cereal mix, Zeb's cereal mix, if you're into mixing your cereals in the world. And, of course, for those that want to mix up their breakfast routine and add a little flavor.

The secret combination to a happy (well okay sometimes very cranky) and healthy (well okay, yes currently he can be seen with green stuff running down the front of his lip into his mouth, and yes I'll get it when I'm done posting this) two year old is first and foremost some time of Os cereal (which the current brand is completely nasty - but organic;), Puffins (which for those of you who don't know- is a puffy corn cereal), frosted mini wheats, milk and okay listen closely as this is the secret ingredient goldfish whole grain crackers. Oh, yes, and don't forget the Reese's peanut butter chips on the side, this aids in the emotional wellness of this particular two year old and I'm assuming most all healthy and balanced little people everywhere.

New Camera

It has been a while and now that I have a fancy new camera (thank you Jamie) I'm going to post more for those still following or those that may follow in the future, which I'm sure that means many many many people!!