Thursday, October 16, 2008

Zane and the potty

We are in the throes of toilet training! Anyone want to place bets on whether or not Zeb can get through nap time dry? What more does he need, I put "his" potty right in his room. Well one is pretty much trained, okay well I guess if you count the fact that I have to bribe Zeb with candy to sit on the toilet in a public bathroom and "wait til pee comes out" maybe trained isn't the right word, but getting there. Zane has taken to making himself useful by emptying Zeb's potty, dumping it out in the toilet of course, ya it tends to get all over his hands (pee is sterile, right) and all over everything else as we are still working on our dumping skills! When people say twins must be hard to potty train they have no idea that really all I have to do is sit and watch.

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