Friday, February 6, 2009

Three days off and COMPLETELY thrown off our axis of rotation!

How could it be that a three day weekend would mean three weeks of getting back to where we were when we left....and that place is really not that far from total chaos itself. Jamie and I are still mourning the desert sun of Palm Springs. Thinking seriously about how nice California is regardless of its bad reputation for being riddled with arrogance and mudslides and fires. hello sun!!!!!! Nuf said.
Grandma and Aunt Meme (the heroes for coming to keep the little people alive during our hiatus) succeeded at spoiling Zeb and Zane to no end. "Can I have more crackers, can I have sugar on my toast, can I have some more blueberry cereal, can I have more gummie vitamins?" "Sure, sure, sure, and sure!" The word no not being in the air at all over our hiatus leads to completely angels. "Oh Lisa, they don't whine with me!!!" Oh No, trying saying no and here eat some vegetables or fruit before your fifth bowl of cereal. Really mom this is all very tongue and check we don't care what you feed them just as long as you're willing to come and play while we head for some sun. Thanks!!!
Here is a little taste of reality while mom and dad are away:

All is good though, as here is our reality as we take in the sun:

Now that we are hated by all who are knee deep in winter we love you and hope for summer to come sooner rather than 6 weeks from now or that you will be able to fly away to some warmer weather.

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