Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Thanks Maggie and Lisa

To all my pregnant friends I must thank you. I've been forced to prematurely explain the anatomy of a female to Zeb and Zane.... or did I really need to.....hey sat there looking at me dumbfounded, hmmm not sure if that was necessary but curious minds seemed confused therefore it only seemed right to, at least get somethings cleared up (even though I think my explanation just made things a little foggier in their minds). Zeb and Zane groping me has happened before. It didn't last long, they just seemed confused and just somewhat interested, you could almost hear them thinking, hmm that's different (yes okay when Zeb looked down my bathing suit top last summer and said "that mamma's penis" I had to address the inaccuracy but until now nothing else has had to be said). I thought the accidental groping was probably normal and not something I should make a big deal of however today was a little different. The comment went something like "do you have a baby in your farm?" Umm "No, I do not have a baby in my belly or in my farm! but thanks for asking those are boobs." ....again dumbfounded stares...okay maybe I said too much.

Currently we have some good friends who are both pregnant, one is very pregnant and the other is pregnant so I believe I have them to thank for the 3 year old anatomy class:)

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