Thursday, July 8, 2010


Stayed home today (even though it was completely clear skies, like I think I can see the heavens clear skies and reaped the rewards)....the following is a conversation between Zane and I.
Zane comes running down the stairs "mom do you know what I'm doing?"
Mom: "What?" (he's running running running aimlessly)
Zane: "I'm pretending the little people are in my butt." running - bounding off the side of the couch while saying "aaaahhh oh it's wiggling" bouncing off couch "whow its smooching"
Mom: "You're doing what?"
Zane: "Pretending the little people are in my butt."
Mom: "oh, huh that's interesting"

Not little people as in "little chocolatiers" or "little people big world" rather fisher price little people! Just as a disclaimer.

And yet another.
Zeb says "mom do you know what he is selling (pointing to an incoming strutting Zane with a handfull of stuffed friends)?"
Mom: "what?"
Zeb and Zane in unison: "GIRLS"

aaahhh yah that is what we learn here at the Blattstein Academy! Pimpin 101

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